City of Corona
Home MenuGeneral Plan and Zoning Maps
Zoning is a legal control that the city has over land uses and the standards by which land is developed. The land within the city is divided into zones, which serve to separate and regulate the use of land, density, buildings and structures, setbacks, coverage limitations, and height limits. Zone boundaries are illustrated on the official zoning map of the city. The zoning ordinance (CMC, Title 17) and the zoning map are adopted and codified by the City Council. The zoning map is created and maintained by the Community Development Department. The map is used by the public and other agencies to determine the allowable use of specific parcels within city limits.
Visit the City’s Interactive City Map to view the Zoning Map. To display the Zoning Map, please turn on the Misc. Zones and Districts layer followed by the Zoning layer.
General Plan
By law, all City programs must be consistent with the General Plan including zoning, subdivision regulations, capital improvement programs, specific plans, housing programs, and economic development programs.