City of Corona
Home MenuPolice Department Volunteer Program
Volunteer for the Corona Police Department!
The primary mission of the volunteers is to provide aid to the Police Department and its divisions, which include the Animal Services & Enforcement Section. Volunteers supplement existing departmental services, freeing paid employees to perform their necessary duties. Volunteers interested in volunteering for any division of the Police Department undergo an in-depth background check due to the nature of the confidential information they may be exposed to. These positions are non-enforcement in nature.
Corona Police welcomes volunteers!
Animal Services Volunteer
Volunteers may be assigned to assist with adoption support and socialization. For more information, click here.
Communication Specialist Volunteer (CSV)
These volunteers provide, operate, and maintain reliable emergency backup communications in support of the City of Corona and Western Riverside County. To be a CSV, the volunteer must be a current HAM radio operator in good standing with the FCC and possess at minimum a HAM Technician license. There is an evaluation period prior to being accepted as a CSV Volunteer. Additional duties of the CSV’s are to provide communication support in the event of a natural disaster, DUI checkpoints and special events, to name a few. Click here to learn more and apply to become a Communication Specialist Volunteer.
General Volunteer
Volunteers may be assigned to various divisions within the department such as the detective bureau, records, personnel & training, administration, finance, and the youth diversion team. Most of these assignments focus on clerical duties. In some cases, volunteers with specialized training may be assigned to assist units such as the K-9 team, mounted enforcement team, fleet, firing range and the city camera monitoring project.
Volunteers in Patrol (ViP)
Volunteers in Patrol serve as an extra pair of eyes and ears in the field. Volunteers assigned to the field may assist with searches of lost children, traffic control, DUI checkpoints, special events and a variety of other non-enforcement duties.
Application Process:
If you want to volunteer, please submit a Volunteer Application and list what area you are interested in (For positions at Animal Services, please complete the application addendum attached to the application). Please ensure you include any relevant certificates or life experiences such as military, explorer scouts or education.
Applicants will likely be asked to participate in an oral interview, complete a detailed background process and participate in an orientation.
To apply for a police volunteer position please fill out the volunteer application here. Please return completed applications to the Corona Police Department front counter at 730 Public Safety Way, Corona, CA 92880.